Course Directory
Explore our wide range of courses in conflict management, safety, intelligence and security
for the security, public and private sectors.
Community Safety Courses
These courses are suitable for any public or private sector organisation with
staff members with public-facing roles who could become targets.
Marauding Terrorist Attack with Firearms (MTFA)
This course is suitable for all staff and personnel who work in areas that may be targets of an MTFA – such as rail staff, retail staff in shopping malls and centres.
Duration: 2 hours
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom
Max no. of students: 10
Level 2 Conflict Resolution and Controlled Intervention (CRCI)
This course is suitable for staff working in public facing sectors, including the railway, public transport, schools, prisons etc.
Duration: 2 days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom
Course Achievement: Level 2 Award
Max no. of students: 12
Community Safety Accreditation Scheme Training (CSAS)
A 10-day course resulting in CSAS Accreditation.
Duration: 10 days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom and practical area
Max no. of students: 12
Railway Safety
Behaviour Awareness Training
A unique course bespoke to the railway sector and aimed at all forward-facing rail and security staff.
Duration: 2 Days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom and practical application in the field
Entry requirements: 10 credits towards Lifelong Learning with the University of South Wales
Max no. of students: 12
Railway Safety Accreditation Scheme (RSAS)
A first class training package aimed at rail staff and security officers deployed in the railway sector.
Duration: 5 days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Course achievement: Accredited person status under the RSAS Scheme
Max no. of students: 12
Enhanced Railway Safety Accreditation Scheme
This course includes all of the elements of the core RSAS Course but includes the complete behaviour awareness package and provides a deeper understanding of the National Intelligence Model, Community Engagement, British Transport Police Command and Control protocols and Major Incident response.
Duration: 10 days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom and practical application in the field
Course achievement: 30 credits towards Lifelong Learning with the University of South Wales
Max no. of students: 12
Community Safety Accreditation Scheme Training (CSAS)
A 10-day course resulting in CSAS Accreditation.
Duration: 10 days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom and practical area
Max no. of students: 12
Conflict Management - Keeping Staff Safe in Conflict Situations
This course is aimed at all public facing staff who may have to deal with conflict and potential violence from customers/members of the public.
Duration: One day
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom
Max no. of students: 12
Community Safety Accreditation Scheme Training (CSAS)
Adapted for the corporate environment, a 10-day course resulting in CSAS Accreditation.
Duration: 10 days
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom and practical area
Max no. of students: 12
Covert & Technical Intelligence
Introduction to Covert Intelligence & Tradecraft
This course is designed to give students an insight into the covert techniques, related tradecraft and the procedures that should be adopted.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: No previous experience required
Max no. of students: 12
Agent Handling - Stage 1 & Stage 2
Stage 1 of the Agent Handling course is designed to teach best practice, related tradecraft and procedures in how to identify, recruit and manage informants/agents for operatives that have not experience in this discipline.
Duration: 2 Weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and Tradecraft or other basic knowledge.
Max no. of students: 12
Agent Handling Stage 2
Stage 2 of the Agent Handling course is for students that have attended Stage 1 and is designed to advance the skills and ability of the students exploring more details in the tasking, briefing and debriefing of an agent.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Modern Covert Techniques Stage 1
Max no. of students: 12
Field Intelligence Operatives
This course provides Intelligence Operatives with a comprehensive operational understanding of the role of the Field Intelligence Officer, the role of the Analyst and intelligence products.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Hides and Concealment - Personal, Vehicles and Premises
This course provides students with comprehensive operational ability and the training to deploy technical equipment across all spectrums including on person, within vehicles, rural/urban hides and premises.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and Tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Framework and Infrastructure
The Covert Frameworks and infrastructure course explores in depth the necessary assets that are required to support covert operations.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and tradecraft or other basic knowledge.
Max no. of students: 12
Legends Course
The Stage 1 Legends course is designed to develop individual students skills in handling informants looking to participate in an undercover course or to manage covert businesses.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Managing Covert Operations
Management of covert operations is one of the most crucial and high-risk roles within an organisation.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Previous covert training
Max no. of students: 12
Operational Security
Operational security officers are employed to protect your organisation, the personnel, the tactics along with the intelligence gathered during an operation and it is imperative they are provided the correct training to ensure their fulfill their role.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Surveillance Training
The Surveillance training course is designed to take students with little or no knowledge or ability in surveillance, through to an advanced stage where they can perform mobile surveillance or technical surveillance or mobile assets to a high standard.
Duration: 2- 3 weeks
Cost: Based on duration
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Technical Surveillance
Top 2% delivers training to a high and current standard on all areas of technical surveillance. Technology is constantly changing and we are at the forefront when it comes to industry and technical knowledge.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and Tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Deployment Planning & Conduct On Target
Our Deployment Planning and Conduct on Target course has been designed as a result of many years of operational deployments and intends to take a trained surveillance officer through the planning and preparation stages prior to crossing the boundaries into an Intrusive covert deployment phase of the operation.
Duration: 1 - 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Businesses & Banking Development
The business and banking development course is designed as the follow on for students that have attended the Framework and Infrastructures course.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: Based on duration
Study type: Classroom based
Entry requirements: Covert Framework and Infrastructure
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Specialist Skills
Covert Search & Baggage Search
This course is designed for students with a good knowledge and skills level in the defeat of most basic padlocks and combination locks found on most types of baggage and suitcases, ensuring that they can carry out covert searches at airports and ports.
Duration: 1 - 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Method of Entry (CME) Module 1 - Basic
The aim of the CME Module 1 course is to take an operative with no prior knowledge of covert entry and lock defeat and to turn them into a valuable assist within the operational team.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Method of Entry (CME) - Vehicle Basic Course
The aim of the CME Vehicle basic course is to teach the delegate basic covert vehicle entry techniques.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Method of Entry (CME) Module 2 - Intermediate Course
The aim of the CME Module 2 Intermediate course is aimed at those trained in Module 1.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Covert method of entry (CME) Module 3 - Advanced
The CME Module 3 Advanced course will take Module 2 delegates to the highest level and provide them with the skills and knowledge to defeat high security locks.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Envelopes, Packages & Controlled Deliveries (EPAC)
The EPAC course provides delegates with the knowledge and understanding to covertly and surreptitiously open, examine and re-seal letters, packages and shipping containers and carry out best practice when dealing with controlled deliveries and substitutions of drugs and weapons.
Duration: 5 days
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Alarm Bypass
The aim of the Alarm by-pass course is to provide the delegate with the knowledge and skill set to plan and carry out a successful identification and bypass of a standard commercial alarm system.
Duration: 1 -2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Covert Installation of Audio & Video Equipment
The aim of the covert installation and video equipment course is to take a delegate with no technical experience and provide them with the skills and knowledge to covertly deploy technical equipment within a covert environment safely and without compromise.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Entry requirements: Suitable for specialist personnel
Max no. of students: 12
Cyber Intelligence Courses
Cyber Intelligence Operations: Engaging with the Online Subject
Cyber Crime and communication is the currently the biggest threat to most organisations.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Some form of previous covert training
Max no. of students: 12
Cyber Intelligence - Navigating the Deep Web, Dark Net and TOR
This is a stand-alone course or in addition to the cyber intelligence course and aims to develop students understanding of how to navigate the Deep Web, Dark Net and TOR.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Covert Intelligence and tradecraft or other basic knowledge
Max no. of students: 12
Diploma & Masters
Suitable for officers holding a first degree who are of senior rank or those identified
as having potential to achieve senior ranks.
MSc International Policing
The MSc International Policing course is a dynamic and operationally-focused course which will enhance your understanding and practical application of modern policing models and partnership working around the world.
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Suitable for officers holding a first degree who are of senior rank or those identified as having potential to achieve senior ranks.
Course Achievement: MSc International Policing
Max no. of students: 12 -70
MSc International Intelligence Management
This post-graduate degree course is designed to ensure your future leaders and current intelligence staff, fully understand the complex requirements and critical importance of intelligence in the operational field.
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Suitable for officers holding a first degree who are of senior rank or those identified as having potential to achieve senior ranks
Max no. of students: 12 - 70
Course Consultant: Colum Price
Intelligence & Analysis
Introduction to Intelligence
This one week course covers the critical requirements for collecting, recording, evaluating, sanitising and briefing information and intelligence, in particular the adoption of minimum standards and security of information.
Duration: One week
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Intelligence Handling Processes and Practices
This two-week course, customised to your organisation’s unique needs, will recommend a clear framework for handling and acting upon intelligence using recognised examples of best practice.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Managing Analysts
This one week course teaches the fundamentals of intelligence analysis to those who manage or work with analysts.
Duration: One week
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence and Intelligence Handling Processes and Practices.
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Modern Intelligence Analysis
This two-week course provides analysts with the methods and thinking skills to become skilled intelligence analysts.
Duration: Two weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence
Course Achievement: Top 2% Certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Intelligence Analysis Tools
This two-week course trains intelligence analysts in a safe but interactive learning environment to become skilled users of the primary intelligence analysis tools and any other tools associated with relevant technical equipment.
Duration: Two weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence and Modern Intelligence Analysis
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Tactical Analysis for Covert Operations
This intensive two-week programme of practical and theoretical learning opportunities develops the thinking and analytical skills taught during Modern intelligence Analysis, to enable analysts to understand how their analysis can inform covert intelligence operations, using the analyst tools (software) taught during Intelligence Analysis Tools.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence, Modern Intelligence Analysis and, Intelligence Analysis Tools
Course Achievement: Top 2% Certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Strategic Intelligence Analysis
This two-week course teaches advanced strategic analytical techniques using the analyst tools (software) taught during Intelligence Analysis Tools, to inform strategic decisions on long-term threats and policies.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence, Modern Intelligence Analysis and, Intelligence Analysis Tools
Course Achievement: Top 2% Certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Open Source Intelligence and Social Media Intelligence
This intensive two-week programme of practical and theoretical learning opportunities reveals the opportunities presented by the internet in intelligence operations and investigations.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Analysis for Major Incident Investigations
IA two week course to provide analysts with the techniques to respond quickly and effectively to major incidents and to provide investigating officers with critical analytical support.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Introduction to Intelligence, Modern Intelligence Analysis and, Intelligence Analysis Tools
Course Achievement: Top 2% Certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Leadership & Personal Development
Professional Leadership for Supervisors
This course provides a powerful insight into the skills and requirements of an outstanding manager.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Course Consultant: Barbara Hayes
Professional Leadership and Development - Middle and Senior Managers
This course aims to develop students understanding of how they impact others and what outstanding leadership looks like. And provides the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques they need to become confident, motivated and assured leaders.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On duration
Study type: Classroom-based
Course Achievement: Top 2% Certificate
Max no. of students: 12
Course Consultant: Barbara Hayes
Certificate in Policing Major Sporting Events
This course offers a unique opportunity to gain a certificate with the University of South Wales in Policing Major Sporting Events.
Duration: 2 weeks
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Course Achievement: Certificate in policing major sporting events
Max no. of students: 12
Major Incident Management
This course will equip the participants with the ability to manage all aspects of a complex major incident.
Duration: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Suitable for officers of all ranks involved in operational management of major incidents.
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate of attendance
Max no. of students: 12
Command & Control
This challenging and fast-paced course will prepare students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to better deal with the enormous responsibilities of commanding, or being involved in a spontaneous critical incident or a pre-planned operation.
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Suitable for officers of senior rank or aspiring to senior command
Course Achievement: Top 2% certificate of attendance
Max no. of students: 12
Search Course
This 1-week course will provide students with the competencies and skills to undertake defensive and offensive person, vehicle, route, area and venue search operations.
Duration: 1 week
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom based
Course achievement: Top 2% Certificate of completion
Max no. of students: 6 per Instructor/Assessor
Basic Search Manager
When there is a need to ensure that a protected person or event is safe and secure from threats a defensive search operation is the best method of assurance.
Duration: 1 week
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Students should have undertaken the search course prior to undertaking this course
Course achievement: Top 2% Certificate of completion
Max no. of students: 6
Mail Room Security
This 1-day course will provide students with the competencies and confidence to safely respond and react to suspicious packages delivered to mail rooms.
Duration: 1 day
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Suitable for those who work in a mail room environment
Max no. of students: 20
Staying Safe
This 1 day course is designed to give students an awareness of and confidence to react to a number of threats to theirs and others safety.
Duration: 1 day
Cost: On application
Study type: Classroom-based
Entry requirements: Suitable for staff that work in an environment that may be subject to or close proximity a terrorist attack.
Course achievement: Top 2% Certificate of completion
Max no. of students: 25





